Rhionan (A Gurruffallo Accessory) Read online

Page 2


  Me heart leaped, gleefully in me chest, at the sight of me brother. Waves of euphoria rolled over me, due to me siblings knowledge of our hideaway in the woods. Simultaneously, Shawny and me called to Cain for help. Once the guard saw the size of me brother lumbering toward us, he dropped me arm taking several steps down the trail. I ran behind Shawny to hide again.

  “There ye be?” Cain smiled. “Who be you?” he asked, narrowing his green eyes on the guard. Facing Shawny and me, he added, “We have to be gettin' home now.”

  “I was just informing them they need to leave the woods. They should return to the Clan. 'Tis improper to be alone as they were,” the guard struggled a tight voice.

  “Cain, he tried to take me. He drew his sword on Shawn,” I told. The guard couldna deny me accusation with his sword in his hand, instead of in its scabbard. Obviously, the guard had no intentions of challenging me brother. Cain's size alone froze most men where they be standing. If he didna look so much like he belongs to me family, some would think him a highlander, bred from the giants that inhabit the area north of the British. And, had Cain no been so kindhearted, the Clansmen would probably veer away from him too.

  Eyeballing the guard, Cain raised one of his sausage-like fingers pointing at the scary man, “Ye put yer hands on me sister, did ye?” the guard didna get a chance to answer. “Ye're a long way from yer post, and nobody's here to hear 'em scream...” he said the last part to himself.

  “I took a stroll. They,” he pointed to Shawny and me, “were along me path. I did not bother them,” the guard's voice broke in the end, proving his dishonesty, and I fought to stifle a giggle. Shawn placed one finger across me lips and shook his head, reminding me to stay silent. I couldna help it. After the fear that pussyfoot caused to flood through me, I were glad turnabout came quickly and the guard got to experience it himself.

  Glancing at the guard, his evil eyes were narrowed on me. All too quickly, me fear returned. No matter the outcome today, there will be a next time. The darkness in his eyes made it clear. Straightening his posture the guard demanded, “Let. Me. Pass.” Trying to replace his broken squeaky voice, the guard forced a firm tone.

  Cain stepped aside for the evil man, still wielding his sword. We could hear him mumbling under his breath as he stalked away. Watching the direction he departed, we could see a glint of light occasionally flash from his sword as he swung it through the trees, cutting away the brush along the trail.

  Cain and Shawn began laughing, but I still felt the guard's dirty grip on me wrist, where his fingers marked his unwelcome touch. I rubbed me wrist, trying no to think 'bout what he would have done to me when a violent chill surged through me body, shaking me with fright.

  Shawny wrapped his arms firmly around me. Touching like this is completely forbidden, but we touch often enough we dunna notice no more, even in the presence of others. Luckily, Cain could care less if Shawny and me touch.

  Whispering, we made our way through the thicket of leaves surrounding us on the trail. Moving faster than the disgruntled guard, we caught up with him faster than I liked. I tensed with fear. He sulked along the trail, still mumbling to himself. I didna want to get no closer to him than we already were. Shawn and Cain wouldna let him hurt me, but he still scared me to me core. I saw the evil hiding behind his narrow eyes right before he ordered Cain to let him pass.

  Cain, being the harmless jester he is, hit Shawny on the shoulder and pointed a thick finger at the guard nodding his head. The two lads are thick as thieves, they are. Shawny understood Cain's gesture and nodded in agreement, which caused his dark hair to fall across his handsome face. Cain's grin spread, “Get back here,” he called to the guard. “I say ye tried to break a law and British or no, laws are laws!” The guard glanced over his shoulder and took off running. Cain and Shawn let out hearty, bellowing laughs.

  The guard stopped.


  Looking back at the lads and me, he shook his head waving his sword in the air. The guard took his next step, without watching where his feet would fall and tripped, falling on his sword. His chainmail clinked noisily. Shawny and Cain's laughter halted abruptly. The evening breeze didna carry a sound.

  We thought the guard were dead, but his screams grew from the quiet. Cain reached him first. His sword had severed his arm. The same arm, attached to the hand, he used to grab me. Finding the irony, in the guard's predicament, I managed to hide a smile while I rubbed me bruised wrist.

  Shawn and Cain moved quickly, grabbing the guard's belt and sash, they covered and tied off what were left of his stub as best they could. Cain hoisted the guard over his shoulder and hauled him to the Guard Post with Shawny and me leading the way. The guard fell unconscious somewhere along the trail.

  Verra unoften is an injury of this magnitude survived. For a moment, I thought we were better off leaving him in the woods. Let nature run its course.

  In the Guard Post, other British officials surrounded us. They took the guard's limp body from Cain, pushing us aside. They lay the guard flat on his back, then raised what were left of his stubbed arm, where his blood soaked through the bandages. We watched the British remove the belt and sash, exchanging them for clean garments.

  Nobody asked the lads, or me, what happened, which were good. What would we say? Briefly opening his eyes, the guard pointed to us with his good hand. It were a painful looking process, as he barely managed to lift it off the ground. His black-pitted eyes filled with hate and rage as he sputtered, “You. W-Will. Pay...” his weak voice trailed off and he closed his eyes, falling unconscious again.

  We backed out of the Guard Post hoping none paid attention to the guard's sputtering threat. Slowly, making our way home, I couldna help but hope death takes him swiftly. 'Tis unlikely he'll live anyway.

  Shawny rested his arm across me shoulders as he walked Cain and me home. We didna speak until we reached our hovel.

  Catriona saw Cain were covered in the guard's blood and started questioning us, “Where have ye been? What happened to ye?” Her big, green eyes showed more concern than her voice held.

  “Nothin',” Cain replied calmly. “All's well, lass. If I were hurt, ye'd have felt it,” he kissed her forehead as he passed. “Same as I felt it when ye fell down the hill by Shawn's house, last fall.” Cain's right. If he were hurt Catriona would know as soon as it happened rather she were present or no. They're weirdly connected that way. Catriona's face lightened, but her green eyes still gave away her concern, her eyes always betray her true feelings.

  Shawny pulled me aside from the view of me family, “Are ye well?” his voice filled with concern. “I would've followed him to the end of time for you. That guard never would've hurt you. Ye know that, aye?”

  Searching me heart for the truth, for a confirmation I were unsure I could voice, I nodded me response. Shawn would come for me. He would never intentionally let anything happen to me. However, would he arrive before the guard did what he intended to do? When I found me voice, I asked, “What're we gonna do once we're married? I dunna want to go with the British...” a shiver ran down the center of me spine making me voice break and leaving me unable to finish what I wanted to say.

  Shawny pulled me close, wrapping his strong arms around me tight. Returning his embrace, I rested me head on his chest. I'm only as tall as his chin, which is probably why he always kisses me forehead. “Everythin'll be fine, Rhionan.”

  He refused to let me go until Da called me inside. I walked through the opening of our dugout still holding Shawn's hand until our fingertips no longer touched. I watched him walk away until I no longer saw him in the dark distance. With a heavy sigh, I faced me family.

  Against me brothers better judgment, I told Cat and our parents about the guard, and what happened. I even expressed me fears about marrying. As much as I want to be with Shawny, and him with me, I dunna want to be nowhere near the British guards again.

  Shaking her head in disgust, “See! Another reason no to marry! I'm happy I
havena found a man!” Cat exploded. As calm and funny and fearless as Cain is, Catriona is tense, worrisome and over-cautious of everything. “I canna bear the thought of one of those dirty pussyfoots crawlin' on me.”

  “Catriona! Language!” Mum sputtered.

  “Catriona!” Da startled her at the same time as Mum. “Enough.” His voice stern, the aging lines on his face wrinkled around his dark, green eyes. He were serious. Da doesna approve of the British customs and laws. The divine rights the King claims to have, and bestows on others, is unfair. More often than no, 'tis unwarranted behaviors too. Regardless, we're peasants and British laws be British laws.

  “All will be well,” Cain raised his hands slowly, pumping them downward as he motioned for me family to relax.

  “'Tis no all well! All willna be well! How can ye spout such rubbish? On Rhonnie's weddin' night that pussyfoot and God knows who else is gonna do God knows what to her. And, someday, me...” Catriona looked down at her fidgeting hands. She crossed the room, from her bed to Cain's. Cain stood, eyeing her as she stepped up to him, placing one hand on his broad chest, she looked deep into his eyes. He's so much larger than her, her head tilted almost completely back, exposing her saddened face and trembling lower lip. “Think about Chloe,” she whispered, in a voice so tiny, hardly any of us heard her. Nothing else need be, or coulda been, said to make her point any stronger to Cain.

  Grabbing Catriona's hand before she could pull it away, Cain's body stiffened. Shutting his eyes briefly, we could see the pain that rolled across his face. He tried to hide the pain and anger he felt at the mere thought of someone else touching his sweet, little Chloe.

  When he reopened his eyes, he looked past Cat to the opening that served as our doorway. “All will be will, sister,” he repeated, in a much tighter voice this time. Looking down at Cat, he gave her a small smile, kissed her hand before dropping it, and walked to the door. We were certain he be leaving. Probably running to check on his Chloe. At the door, he poked his head out to look about.